This past September, Kōkua Learning Farm saw a month of active community engagement and growth. Our bioswale, orchard, and constructed wetland received care during our monthly community workday. An Eagle Scout Project enhanced native plantings and controlled weeds in the bioswale. Patagonia dedicated their monthly volunteer day to weeding and planting sunflowers, lettuce, and beans. Ed Kenney and his Mud Hen Water team joined us for a tour and planting in our production rows in preparation for their upcoming Farm to Table Dinner. The leaders from Puʻu Honua O Waiʻanae also visited for a farm tour and planting. KUPU ʻĀina Corps contributed by sending their service members to work in the loʻi. We rounded off September with a nature-based homeschool volunteer day focused on seeding trays and welcomed a visit from Slow Food Oʻahu.
Join us for our next Kōkua Learning Farm Community Workday on Saturday, October 7 here or email to schedule a private workday.