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Hawaiʻi Farm to School Resource Hub

Access farm to school curricula, funding opportunities, garden and tree planting information, and more at the Hawaiʻi Farm to School Resource Hub!

Oahu Farm to School List:

This list offers informational resources to support the building and sustaining of school, community, and home gardens on O‘ahu. Click here to view

Hawaiʻi Farm to School Toolkit:

The purpose of this toolkit is to improve access to experiential farm to school education for all of Hawai‘i’s students through systematic integration of farm to school programming into school culture. Based on several decades of grassroots relationship building, and successful development and piloting of Hawai‘i-based resources and professional development offerings, the Hawai‘i Farm to School Toolkit builds capacity to regenerate sustainable food systems across the pae‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i through farm to school. Click here to view